
Get Ready to Embrace The New Normal!

Life has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride of late, hasn’t it? One minute we were all feeling free to arrange our trips overseas, visit the gym, watch sunset at the beach with friends and give high-five to almost every person you met. And then boom, COVID-19 attacks.

July 13th, 2020|Culinary, Komaneka, Spa, Travel|0 Comments

Beauty Tips: How to make Balinese Boreh a la Komaneka

The Balinese have a traditional plant-based beauty recipe called boreh that is used in Komaneka spas. It is a simple, natural body scrub that cleanses and warms the skin and stimulates blood circulation. Older Balinese still prepare it home. Here we share with you Komaneka's boreh recipe. Assemble all the ingredients and make sure that [...]

March 7th, 2018|Komaneka, Spa|1 Comment

Swedish Massage at Akar Wangi Spa

Staying well in this season of changing weather is a challenge, even in a tropical climate like Bali's. A good way to keep your body in balance is massage.

January 29th, 2018|Komaneka, Spa|0 Comments

Tanggayuda Royal

In the midst of the busy life we are living, we push ourselves to maximum performance. But sometimes the body needs rest. Special care such as massage and spa treatments will help to deeply relax the muscles of the body.

September 28th, 2017|Spa|0 Comments

Cloves for Beauty

It's not a secret anymore that clove is as a natural pain killer for toothache. Clove is also good for the stomach. When it’s mixed in a cup of tea or hot water, it leaves a warm feeling that not only helps against bloating, but is also effective to relieve nausea and indigestion.

September 9th, 2017|Spa|0 Comments

Rejuvenating Massage: Putting Your Whole Body into Deep Relaxation

Wana Jiwa Spa at Komaneka Bisma offers a perfect body indulgence through the Rejuvenating Massage, a gentle massage treatment using heated massage oil and specific strokes aimed at balancing the nervous system and restoring vital energy flows.

June 10th, 2017|Komaneka, Spa|0 Comments

Ginger for Health and Beauty

As a beverage, ginger treats nausea and morning sickness, and warms the body. But if you don’t like its pungent taste, you can make it part of your beauty routine.

June 3rd, 2017|Komaneka, Spa|0 Comments

Foot Massage — A Gentle Reward for Your Busy Feet

We love to be active. But our body, including all organs, muscles, cells, and glands, works hard to keep us performing in top condition. To maintain fitness, a healthy lifestyle is required, and a number of treatments are offered as a reward. Yet, among all parts of the body, the least pampered seems to be the feet.

April 22nd, 2017|Komaneka, Spa|0 Comments



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