Wana Jiwa Spa at Komaneka Bisma offers a perfect body indulgence through the Rejuvenating Massage, a gentle massage treatment using heated massage oil and specific strokes aimed at balancing the nervous system and restoring vital energy flows. This full-body massage is designed to rejuvenate and achieve a balance of mind, body, and soul.

The journey to relaxation begins with washing the feet with warm water and lemon slices, while our skillful therapist heats the Patchouli oil, mild aphrodisiac oil that is friendly to mature skin.

The heated Patchouli oil is poured first on the fontanel. Then it’s allowed to flow through the scalp and hair, and continue over the whole body. The gentle massage works down from head to toe, as the Patchouli oil’s earthy and musty-sweet aroma helps the body to loosen tight muscles.

This 90-minute treatment finishes with a soak in the Jacuzzi.

The Rejuvenating Massage is an exceptional body indulgence, and is especially luxurious in cool weather.