It’s not a secret anymore that clove is as a natural pain killer for toothache. Clove is also good for the stomach. When it’s mixed in a cup of tea or hot water, it leaves a warm feeling that not only helps against bloating, but is also effective to relieve nausea and indigestion.

But did you know that clove has long been part of skin care and beauty treatment?

Clove oil has been found to work well in curing acne by applying the oil to the specific area on the skin. As the oil also has great purifying properties, it helps in eliminating the inflammation caused due to painful pimples. Cloves also contain vitamins and antioxidant properties that can protect the skin from free radicals.

Clove oil is used in spa treatments, in massage oil and body scrubs. When clove oil is applied to the skin under professional supervision in blemish removal, it gently exfoliates the dead skin, and will make the skin brighter and healthy. Clove is also said to have aphrodisiac and stimulating properties that can help the body and mind relax during treatment.

For these reasons, cloves are used in our treatments at Akar Wangi Spa, in one of our massage oils and in the Balinese Boreh treatment.