Every single love story has a series of long preparation before the couples finally tie the knot.

It was cloudy when we started to prepare welcome dinner of our precious guests in the late afternoon in Komaneka at Tanggayuda. The weather here often changes in a flick, so we were hoping that the sun would soon chase the clouds away. Our prayer was answered. The sky in the evening was clear.

Tanggayuda Garden

The garden at Tanggayuda was beautifully adorned with Balinese natural ornaments. Various humble food stations stood; one was imitating a familiar booth with woven coconut leaves front found in traditional Balinese wedding, where family members of the groom are usually on stand-by to greet the invited guests and serve welcome snacks. Local crops such as rice, corns, bananas and coconuts were seen next to the station, symbolizing a hope that the marriage will be filled with blessings. All other food stations serving Balinese food such as satay and the famous suckling pig were prepared by the dinner tables.

The celebration began as the gracious ladies arrived in colorful kebaya. The gentlemen were seen wearing udeng – traditional men headdress. After sipping our exceptionally tasty welcome drinks, the guests were shortly blessed with tirta (holy water) and had the tridatu bracelet tied around their wrist. The evening unfolded as the dinner began while Cendrawasih and Joged dancers respectively took the garden stage. Everyone was more than willing to participate in the Joged, and enjoyed the rest of their Balinese night.

The following afternoon, the event continued at our resort by the sea: Komaneka at Keramas Beach. We had all the arrangement sorted out with precise attention to the smallest details. We wanted to ensure the change of venue did not change our first-rate service.

In the open space next to the main pool, chairs were decorated with turquoise sash, all lined up beneath the coconut groves. Sea breeze kept playing with the tablecloth hanging closely above the sandy grounds. On the pool, the word L-O-V-E was floating in marigolds with a dozen decorated candles. The sun was about to set when many of the wedding guests, all clad in white attire just like the stunning bride and groom, arrived through the iconic bridge hovering above the living rice fields.

All the guests firstly took their seats in front of Timur Kitchen overlooking the sea. Before their eyes, a magnificent view of the meaningful procession began, marking the bride and groom’s new blessed beginning. Balinese men and women lined up and walked along Keramas beach in unison with offerings held up and baleganjur heard in the background. Soon after the procession was concluded, the guests proceeded to their dinner table. The sun went down, and the celebration started. All were lost in joy, singing and dancing to two or three ABBA’s classics as the band played the songs.

Every wedding, every event arranged by your Komaneka family is always well-taken care of. We always strive to provide our guests the best day of their life, hoping that when they are back at home away from Bali, after all the arrangements are nothing but memories, they can cherish and recall it with smile – and so can we.

It was also our pleasure to be a part of such merry episode, a monumental day in our family members’ life.