Nengah Ngenteg never dreamed of being a manager. “I was a therapist when I firstly joined Komaneka,” he recalls. The man known better as Ngenteg further tells “There were only 3 therapists in Komaneka Spa when it first opened at Komaneka at Monkey Forest, Ubud”. Thanks to his consistent performance, he was promoted as spa supervisor. He considered it as a challenge, but still it was undertaken with full responsibility in accordance with his life motto.

He now serves as a manager and leads nearly 30 staff members in four luxury Komaneka properties. Ubud spice and peace of Ubud spa menu is one of his contributions as a manager. Ngenteg had a unique experience when he was a therapist when Japanese guests suddenly asked to end the spa and talked in Japanese. He was confused about whether the guests were satisfied or complaining. “After the incident, I took Japanese language course,” he said, laughing.

He is proud to be a part of Komaneka family, a lifestyle resorts in Ubud – Bali.2