
Why should women tie her hair when they go to the temple?

When Balinese Hindus go to the temple, the mind must be calm and free from bad thoughts or negative feelings. Because the purpose of prayer is to get closer to God, when we go to the house of God, we must be clean, dress properly and be of pure intentions. So what does this have to do with loose hair?

May 22nd, 2018|Culture|0 Comments

Balinese Woman – Behind the Scenes of Galungan Festivity

Balinese women are especially busy at Galungan. This is a big festive holiday celebrated all over Bali once every 210 days on the Balinese calendar, and the first one this year is coming up on the 30th of May. This is a time for honoring the ancestors in family temples — and also a time for feasting and new clothes. Children look forward to it with great excitement.

May 16th, 2018|Culture|0 Comments


Traditional Balinese architecture is unique for its sacred code for the form and placement of buildings in a house or temple courtyard. But there is one structure that is found only in the house of members of the Pandé, the clan of metalsmiths. This is the prapen.

May 1st, 2018|Culture|0 Comments

Tikeh Dadakan in Balinese Hindu Marriage

The marriage ceremony is sacred for everyone, but ceremonial customs differ enormously among different cultures.

April 23rd, 2018|Culture, Wedding|0 Comments

Why Do Balinese Wear Selendang When Going to a Temple?

When vacationing in Bali, one of the highlights is visiting temples. Besides getting a closer picture of Balinese heritage, a visit to temple may wake up your mind with many interesting questions. They usually begin with the word "why?"

March 26th, 2018|Culture|1 Comment

What Makes This Upcoming Nyepi Special?

Nyepi or the Day of Silence is an annual celebration for Balinese Hindus to welcome the Saka New Year by observing silence and austerities for 24 hours. The four austerities of Nyepi are: no light or fire, no working, no leaving home, and no entertainment.

March 20th, 2018|Culture|0 Comments

How to Stay Happy on Nyepi with Komaneka

Nyepi, Bali’s annual Day of Silence, is coming closer. This year it falls on Saturday, 17 March. Nyepi celebrates the beginning of the Hindu Saka New Year with the entire island observing silence and austerities for 24 hours. There will be no lights, no work, no going out of the home, and the Balinese will abstain from entertainment.

March 10th, 2018|Culture, Komaneka|0 Comments


Rindik is a traditional Balinese percussion instrument made from bamboo, with a delicate woody sound.

February 21st, 2018|Culture, Komaneka|0 Comments



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