Inspired by the tropical atmosphere of Bali Island, Komaneka Resorts has created the aromatic oil Bali Sunny, a perfect blend to invigorate the senses. It unveils the advantages of Cananga, Tangerine, and Lavender in one harmonious blend.

The sweet and slightly woody aroma of the Cananga essential oil acts as a natural antidepressant and stimulates the circulatory system. It also works as a sedative and mild aphrodisiac agent.

Meanwhile, the Tangerine oil works as an antiseptic and also stimulates the generation of new cells in the body. With a regular intake of fresh tangerine, the immune system will be tuned up to protect the body from free-radical damage. Application of its oil helps to promote skin health.

These oils are blended with calming Lavender. Famous as a therapeutic oil, lavender is usually used to induce good sleep and reduce anxiety. And it is a natural insect repellant.

All in all, Bali Sunny Oil offers a calming scent to relax your body and mind.