The sky of Bali offers different view from June to August. Bali’s blue sky will be more beautiful with hundreds of kites that dance and sway to the rhythm of the wind. Kite season that comes during the dry season is a long-waited guest especially for kids. The sunny dry season will be welcomed cheerfully by the kinds by flying a kite or two.

The starting point of kite tradition in Bali remains unknown but it has deep connection with agricuture. After a successful harvest, farmers will spend their spare time by making and flying kites. The wide open rice fields available after harvest is an excellent arena for flying kites. Kite, for farmers, is a sign of gratitude and joy for the blessing of successful harvest. Balinese believe that flying kite is a form of worship to Shiva as wind god. Kite artisan (undagi) is also known as Rare Angin (shepherd boy) is believed to be the darling of Shiva.

The kinds of kite in Bali are quite many. Generally, it can be divided into two types namely traditional kite and creative (modern) kite. Traditional kite comprises of Bebean, Jangan, dan Pecukan. These kites are fashioned from creatures that exist in nature. For example, Bebean is derived form the word Be that means fish; the kites resembles a fish with fins and tails and when it flies it moves like a fish swimming in the water. Pecukan has simple form, fashioned from leaf that is blown by the wind. Jangan is the most graceful and spectacular, taking its form from the mythological dragon. Jangan type is a development of Pecukan with addition of dragon head and a very long tail that can measure up to few hundreds meters. These kinds of kites are equipped with guwangan, a musical instrument that produces sound by vibration of ribbon that is blown by the wind. The combination of kite movement and the sound of guwangan form an enjoyble performance for kite lovers in Bali.

The rapid development of kite in Bali produces various kinds of creative kite. Creative kite is a new type of kite that owes its existence to the creativity of the kite maker (undagi). The forms of this kite are vary, taking not just the shape of bird and animal but also the latest condition and phenomena that occur in the society; popular television characters such as Batman, Dracula, Upin Ipin (famous local cartoon character) or daily activities such as a man riding bicycle, woman carrying offering on her head, airplane rider and so on, are featured in three dimension. Creator of creative kite put more emphasis on aerodynamic and theme of the kite.

Nowadays, kite flying is not just a pastime for kids but also for adults. In a kite season, many kite festivals are held. One of the oldest kite festivals in Bali is the one that is held by Persatuan Layang Layang Indonesia (Indonesian Kite Association) Bali. This festival dated back to 1978 and take place on the west part of Padang Galak Beach, Denpasar. This festival are attended by thousands of fans from all across Bali with hundreds of super jumbo kites that measures hundreds of meters, especially Jangan type with its long tails that can reach few hundreds meters long. In this festival teamwork is also exhibited in flying the super jumbo kite that needs 20 up to few hundreds men. All differences seems to fade away in the dust and sand that flown by the rhythm of kite dance when soaring to the sky. Kite is a tradition with avid fan from all walk of Balinese society. Thus preserving the kite tradition is synonymous with preserving and introducing the local wisdom of Bali that highly regard the spirit of unity and spirituality to the future generation.

Photo courtesy of Made Yudistira (